Wednesday, March 3, 2010


New Zealand has about 4 million people and about 40 million sheep. Welly boot sales are brisk (for a translation, ask a Brit, Kiwi or an Aussie)
All I have seen so far is the biggest city Auckland. It is located on a series of bays and islands and is gorgeous. Rush hour may be an event to those who reside here but would be a non-event in most cities. I came in from the airport around 4.30 in the afternoon, and other than a few waits at traffic lights there were no issues.
Entirely by chance my schedule and Jen Grant’s schedule coincided. I know Jen as a reformed Cat employee and someone who comes to beach weekends and Boat Day. We chatted at the last Boat Day about travel and she decided to make a trip, as she has a friend who is working in Auckland right now. Her plans had her leaving Auckland on Tuesday morning really early (5.50 am) and my plans were to arrive late Monday afternoon. Via multiple Facebook messages we decided to meet for dinner and share stories and experiences. Jen lives and works in Charlotte NC so this was a huge coincidence.
The Celts are all over the place. Not quite as good as Highland Gaelic!!

It all worked out and we had a great dinner (Jen had a kilo of green lipped mussels, and I had some awesome lamb) on the waterfront in Auckland, followed by ice cream from a little hole in the wall place run by a Canadian lady Eh!.

Jen had stored her bags in my room and after dinner she changed and took a late shuttle to the airport to sleep/ hang out and be there for an early check in.
I do not know her well, but am very impressed by her great sense of adventure (recently blossomed I think) and I think this is just the beginning for her.
It was so good to connect with a good friend (as we are now) on an adventure that stretches boundaries and talk about those adventures. She is off to Sydney for a few days and then Hong Kong before returning home.
I was up early Tuesday to discover Auckland and it’s surroundings.
I walked extensively, to Mission Bay (back by bus) and then to Devonport, which is a 15 minute ferry ride from downtown. It is amazing that there can be such peaceful places so close to downtown. In some respects Devonport and Mission Bay are like stepping back 30 years or more to a place where you had small local places that people went for vacation. The fort at the top of Devonport has a magnificent view of Auckland and if you live there and work downtwn you take a ferry to work. That is cool!!
Downtown Auckland from about 4km


Anybody recognize this 70s vehicle? No prizes.

In Mission Bay I saw a group of “Red Hat Ladles” having a picnic, so I stopped to talk with them for a few minutes. One claimed to be the Queen of Vice, and while not investigating further somehow absolutely believed her! There were other contenders I think. They have over 100 chapters in New Zealand alone.


A great day that I had not originally planned. If this is the urban life in New Zealand I cannot wait for the rural life.
Dave the friendly ferry guy. Devonport to Auckland

Saw this guy from my room, and thought it was JS Bhangoo's brother!
I leave in the morning on the train for Wellington, which is all day on the train. Plans for Thursday and Friday are to visit the “Golden Shears Sheep Shearing Competition” in Masterton, about 90km north of Wellington. How could I resist doing that!!


  1. Ha ha ha!! LOL!! Does look like J S indeed - even the color of the turban.

  2. Coincidence? meeting up in Auckland for dinner? I think not! Getting a photop with a gorgeous (single!) girl from Charlotte NC (originally illinois!) to add more sizzle to the blog .... I think YES!!! Go andy Go! Run Forest Run!
